Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Seven Days Diet, Day 5.

Day 5. Of Meat and Vegetables.

Well, day five went out pretty dull actually. The goal was to eat from 8 to 15 oz. of meat, 6 tomatoes and 8 glasses of water (2 l. of water, that is), and of course I could have all the vegetables I'd like throughout the day.

Photo taken from HERE

The biggest problem was that we have gotten out of stock on vegetables and I realized it too late, just when I was about to have supper. I think I actually ate less meat than required but anyway I liked it a lot and I could have only three of the six tomatoes due to the lack of food at home. I have to go to the market as soon as possible. >_<* I also had trouble with the water part, as I don't like water (most might call me an heretic by this but what can I do =P). I think that I had like two glasses of water and another four of tea, which is almost like water, but tastes good.

Photo taken from HERE

Anyways, this day definitely didn't turn out well and for dinner I ate a bit of cream cheese with my celery (just a bit, hope that won't hurt), because those two flavours mixed toghether are the best thing ever.

Photo take from HERE

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