My dad always gets some x-mas gifts at work, and most times they're edible stuff like a huge ball of cheese (which hasn't been opened yet) or a box of dried fruits.
This time he got something else, he got some x-mas cookies! They had these cute x-mas related shapes like bears, gingerbread men, socks and x-mas trees. But what I really really loved of them was the glazing they had, I promised myself I'd have to go searching for the recipe of that glazing because it's delicious, it's sweet and lemony.
I still wonder how is it that they lasted so many days, a whole week, no less! With so many food lovers in the house it was some sort of holiday miracle... But maybe the fact that we tried to not get carried away with the holidays dishes and end up fatter helped the cookies too. =P
And so here I was having some nice winter days when I fell sick. I can tell you, falling sick is definately not the happiest thing in life when your boyfriend's bedroom is as cold as a fridge. I have somehow managed to get used to it but it still is awful somedays, specially when he leaves me to sleep alone in order to keep on with his websurfing affair. It's not like I hate him doing it, I actually like being in front of the pc with him a lot. But when it begins to get cold I resent it a lot. T_T
So this day I practically didn't even want to get off the bed and slept... and slept... and slept a lot. Of course my boyfriend was pretty worried but I was so sick I just could bother with trying to go and sleep once more. Apparently I even had a fever without noticing it.
The good thing of this all was during supper, because my mother in law made a delicious chicken broth, even looking at it made me wanna have some. And that's saying a lot when you're sick and want to do nothing but sleep.
So I heated some broth and had the most delicious supper I could ever have.
I felt better after that, still sick but livelier. My boyfriend was happy of that too. =P
3 weeks ago